Speed TT is a typing game developed in andriod, aim at improving user typing speed on andriod device, it has following section,
Game mode: Common word will start to fall at the top of screen, when word hi
t the andriod, the andriod will be gone. When all the andriod gone, game lose. Each succesufully typed word will give you score, and there is bonus score as well. The total score can be compared world-wide among andriod user, let's see how best you can perform!
Lesson: Give a simple instruction how to type fast, and practise the common typing parttern to train finger movement, after pracitsing through the lesson, you will improve the typing speed!
Practice: Give a complete sentence to type.
Statistic: Display historical typing statistic through a graph, user can easily notice which key has bad performance, which key has good performance.
Option: let you select sound or post score.
The key feature of Speed TT is that, it records the typing statistic in all section, analysis and plot it as a graph. User can based on this information to do specific training.
$30 以下都係2.x 倍pe, 而且就快出年報話..以往派息...
0.05 0.14 0.42 0.23 0.7...
斷估今次都有0.8 人民幣以上掛....即係差唔多1蚊港幣..有3.x%....通常4,5月除淨..即係只hold2個月到..係咁動蕩既市況..我覺得都可以接受la..
$30 以下都係2.x 倍pe, 而且就快出年報話..以往派息...
0.05 0.14 0.42 0.23 0.7...
斷估今次都有0.8 人民幣以上掛....即係差唔多1蚊港幣..有3.x%....通常4,5月除淨..即係只hold2個月到..係咁動蕩既市況..我覺得都可以接受la..
1. 機場d手推車..竟然要收錢!搭十幾個鐘機咁攰,一落機緊係要揾間車幫輕下,我拉極都拉唔出來,回一回神...原來要俾錢!小弟..去過日本,印度,温哥華,美國..d機場...都未見過要收錢既手推車...
2.-負15度 加上風凍效果..係負30度.....即係點呢?我企係街..最多支持到5分鐘。因為塊臉唔單止凍而且會好痛。
3. 太凍了...結果只係遠處望一望cn tower
4. 係咁走火警...的左我上巴士坐兩個幾鐘.....仲要係星期日...抖下都唔得
星期一..十二點半又走火警..又搞左半個鐘...間酒店d 管理員真係唔掂..少少事就響警鐘..自己又唔識搞..一定要call消防員來...我本來想爆佢地ga la, 點知有條友搶左我前面爆左先...係咁話第3次la, 第3次la, 我要check out..就咁就走左...
1. 機場d手推車..竟然要收錢!搭十幾個鐘機咁攰,一落機緊係要揾間車幫輕下,我拉極都拉唔出來,回一回神...原來要俾錢!小弟..去過日本,印度,温哥華,美國..d機場...都未見過要收錢既手推車...
2.-負15度 加上風凍效果..係負30度.....即係點呢?我企係街..最多支持到5分鐘。因為塊臉唔單止凍而且會好痛。
3. 太凍了...結果只係遠處望一望cn tower
4. 係咁走火警...的左我上巴士坐兩個幾鐘.....仲要係星期日...抖下都唔得
星期一..十二點半又走火警..又搞左半個鐘...間酒店d 管理員真係唔掂..少少事就響警鐘..自己又唔識搞..一定要call消防員來...我本來想爆佢地ga la, 點知有條友搶左我前面爆左先...係咁話第3次la, 第3次la, 我要check out..就咁就走左...
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