但當中有個"有錢"工程師, 實在令小弟吃了不少苦頭!
1. 在幾萬到十幾萬行的code中,留下一些害蟲!
3.暗地裡可隨意更改api, 他不會告訴我,
4.我寫email給他, 他可以當唔知,當睇唔到,開會又唔出席, 次次佢上司都同我講一句
"我會叫佢reply你email", 下次開會佢又講呢句, 一次又一次.....拖足成個月先reply,
算吧, 說了半天廢話, 給大家一個c語言的簡單問題,
int a [10];
int *b[10];
int (*c)[10];
c is too low level, and is not OOP, not good for team development. java and .net is better.
回覆刪除In my working organization, more than 80% of programmer belong to this type. When cooperative with external vendor, i found out that their performance is even worse.
I also want to learn other language if I have spare time.
回覆刪除I believe you are an expert in everywhere, ha.
congratulation!! you can find the value of yourself!!!!
回覆刪除for you question:
回覆刪除int a[10] - 'a' is an integer array of 10 integers.
int *b[10] - 'b' is an integer array of 10 integer pointers.
int (*c)[10] - 'c' is an pointer to a n integer array of 10 integer elements.
Is that correct?
it is very happy to see you answer. You almost get 100% correct,except some wording for b.
回覆刪除'b' is an array of 10 integer pointers.
The Array doesn't have the type, but the array element does.
I really appreciate your post, thanks!
How about D?
int (*(*d)(char ))[];