-$1500 -$2000 LCD monitor ( size(22"/24"), raito(16:10/16:9), tv tunner,full HD)
-$1400 CPU (e8500)
-$600 mother board (G31 + cheap display card/G41/43)
-$300 ram (DDR2 4G)
-$300 case (smaller than standard matx case)
-g31太舊,要加display card先睇到高清,
-g41/43新好多,唔洗加display card, 但係又無com port,要買usb to com >_<
-16:10 比16:9好..因為我都唔係成日用電腦來睇戲..同埋16:10個area太d
-好想用8G RAM..但係XP 好似唔support 64bit ..好shit..
vista has 64 bit
回覆刪除but it is slow
you are using 64bit vista? why it is slow?
回覆刪除Anyway, I don't want to touch vista..