IStockDroid only target for my personally used and exercise to learn andriod, however since Google announce that HK developers can start to sell android apps, so I am interests to try. And finally I add more basic feature on IStockDroid to become IStockDroid2 which have following feature,
-fetch the stock data from web(only yahoo)
-plot the graph in cradlestick
-highlight some technical anlaysis(suppor
t/resistant, gap up/down, average)
-my stock watch list
-global index watch list
There is a lot of good stock watch apps on android, but
-no can plot the graph in cradlestick in IstockDriod2,
-display the technical anlaysis clearly,
These key feature can help me to make deicsion, I hope IStockDroid2 can help somebody else, at the same time can help me to earn back the registriation fee!
1.enter "" in [data source url]
2.Select the default TA such as period, volume..
3.back to main sreen, press [menu] to add new stock to watch
4.type the stock name such in yahoo syntax, such as or goog the stcok name in main screen, it will download the data and plot graph
It shows the support, resistant, 5,10,20,200 average line, volume, gap up and gap down.
回覆刪除因為呢個app 做到既野..真係唔係咁多..一眼睇晒.....
希望下個app..會好d la